Getting Burial Insurance with Pre-Existing Conditions

Here’s the good news no matter what your health problem is you cannot be denied burial insurance with pre-existing conditions. Now burial insurance is final expense life insurance, it is primarily aimed at seniors ages 60,70, and 80. Often times we will also speak with children looking for coverage for their parents.

All our clients typically have the same question if they or their loved ones will pass the health questionnaire and qualify for coverage without having to pay higher premiums or be denied coverage.

This is where our highly trained life insurance agents come in. We help 90% of our clients qualify for day one coverage and if they do not we will let them know and assist with finding the best guaranteed acceptance policy on the market.

In this article, we will cover the most important information you need to know about burial insurance with pre-existing conditions as well as policies with a 2 year waiting period and no waiting periods.

Can You Get Burial Insurance with Pre-Existing Conditions?

Yes, you can get burial insurance with pre-existing conditions. It all depends on which life insurance companies accept your pre-existing conditions. It is better for you to get burial insurance instead of traditional life insurance because your conditions could disqualify you from a traditional policy.

There are 2 different Final Expense Insurance Options

When it comes to working with the right life insurance company for the right life insurance coverage there are 2 different plans. A plan that is immediate day one coverage which usually has simplified underwriting and a plan that has no health questions or underwriting for health issues at all.

The first is a no waiting period life insurance policy and the second is a guaranteed issue life insurance policy.

These types of life insurance are used for funeral insurance, burial insurance, cremation insurance etc. They are designed to protect your loved ones from the financial burden of paying for your funeral. With simplified underwriting these policies are ideal to get burial insurance for pre-existing conditions.

Burial Insurance With Pre-Existing Conditions Has No Medical Exam

Keep in mind that even if you have pre-existing health conditions funeral insurance will not require you to take a medical exam for funeral insurance. A burial insurance policy will never require a medical exam they simply require you to answer health questions on their application.

In addition to this they will also check your medical and prescription history in reference to how you answered their health questions. Now if you answered “yes” to any of the knock out questions on the life insurance application you will be denied life insurance from that specific company.

At that point you would need to look into a different company that accepts your health condition or a graded or guaranteed issue policy. You should only buy a guaranteed acceptance burial insurance if you have a health condition that disqualifies you from all final expense life insurance companies.

No Waiting Period Day One Coverage

This is what we call level day one coverage which means if you got approved during the application process with the insurance carrier like Mutual of Omaha for example, then if you died the day after your first premium payment your beneficiary will receive a check for the death benefit of the policy in full.

Our company offers all the major carrier’s in all 50 states which would include AmAm, Prosperity, AIG, GW and RNA.

All of our carriers offer the following:

  • Premiums Never Increase
  • Simplified Underwriting
  • Death Benefit Never Decreases
  • A-ratings
  • Over 100 years in Business

The best part is when it comes to most burial insurance with pre-existing health conditions if you have been without complications for more than 24 months then you have a very strong chance at being approved for day one coverage. Depending on the application questions some conditions can still be covered if it has only been 12 months without incident.

It depends on which carrier our agents will recommend for you when they ask you their specific health questions.

Guaranteed Issue Coverage with No Health Questions

There are certain health conditions that will disqualify someone from day one coverage. If you are looking for life insurance with pre-existing conditions like current cancer or HIV your only option is a guaranteed issue policy. This is coverage with no health questions or medical underwriting.

This is usually a last resort for our agents if your health conditions are just too severe for us to find day one coverage. A guaranteed issue policy has a 2 year waiting period but after the 2 years the benefit will be paid in full if you die. Now there are living benefits with some of our carriers that you can use to pay medical bills if you become terminally ill.

In addition to this if you were to die from an accident the full amount of your guaranteed acceptance policy will be paid because it was not natural causes.

Guaranteed Issue Coverage Always has a Waiting Period

It is important to note that there is no such thing as a guaranteed acceptance policy without a waiting period. We see gimmicks all the time like Colonial, Globe, AARP, and much more that make it sound like there is but there isn’t.

Again GI policies are a last resort for our clients if your health conditions are just too severe but that is something you can speak with our agents about.

Burial Insurance Cost’s

Here is some average pricing on burial insurance according to age.

Age$10,000 Male Non Smoker Sample Quotes$10,000 Male Smoker Sample Quotes$10,000 Female Non Smoker Sample Quotes$10,000 Female Smoker Sample Quotes

To see accurate quotes for your specific age fill out the form to your right.

Burial Insurance with Pre-Existing Health Conditions Table & List

Below you will find links to health conditions we have covered and whether or not you can get coverage without a waiting period for them. You will also find a table showing which health conditions can qualify for no waiting period final expense insurance and final expense insurance with a waiting period.
Hodgkins, Sickle Cell, Liver Failure, Heart Murmur, Afib, Pacemaker, Heart Stent, Aneurysm, Angina, CHF, Heart Attack, COPD

Health ConditionDay One CoverageWaiting
Best Company
ADL’s(Assistance of Daily Living Eating, Dressing, Toileting, Bathing)YesNoRoyal Neighbors of America, life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance
AIDS & HIVNoYesGerber life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance, guaranteed issue life insurance
ALSNoYesGuarantee Trust Life Insurance Company, Life Insurance, Burial Insurance, Final Expense Insurance
Alcohol AbuseYesNoMutual of Omaha Life Insurance, Burial Insurance, Final Expense Insurance
Alzheimers & DementiaNoYesGerber life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance, guaranteed issue life insurance
Amputation Caused by Accident (No ADLS Needed)YesNoAmerican Amicable, life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance
Amputation Caused by Accident(ADL’s Needed)NoYesGuarantee Trust Life Insurance Company, Life Insurance, Burial Insurance, Final Expense Insurance
Amputation Caused by Diabetes or Disease(No ADL’s Needed)YesNoProsperity life, life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance
Amputation Caused by Diabetes or Disease(ADL’s Needed)NoYesGerber life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance, guaranteed issue life insurance
AneurysmYesNoMutual of Omaha Life Insurance, Burial Insurance, Final Expense Insurance
AnginaYesNoAetna Accendo, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance
AngioplastyYesNoAetna Accendo, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance
Assisted Living FacilityYesNoRoyal Neighbors of America, life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance
AsthmaYesNoAmerican Amicable, life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance
AFIB (Atrial Fibrillation)YesNoAmerican Amicable, life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance
AutismYesNoProsperity life, life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance
Brain Tumer(Non Cancerous)YesNoMutual of Omaha Life Insurance, Burial Insurance, Final Expense Insurance
Bipolar DisorderYesNoAmerican Amicable, life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance
Brain Tumor(Cancerous)YesNoAetna Accendo, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance
Bronchitis (Chronic)YesNoAetna Accendo, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance
Cancer-Must have occured and been cured over 2 yeas ago with no further complications or medicationsYesNoRoyal Neighbors of America, life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance
Coronary Bypass SurgeryYesNoAetna Accendo, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance
CardiomyopathyYesNoMutual of Omaha Life Insurance, Burial Insurance, Final Expense Insurance
Cerebral PalsyYesNoMutual of Omaha Life Insurance, Burial Insurance, Final Expense Insurance
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseYesNoAetna Accendo, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance
Circulatory SurgeryYesNoAetna Accendo, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance
CirrhosisYesNoAetna Accendo, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance
Congestive Heart FailureYesNoProsperity life, life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance
Cystic FibrosisYesNo
DefibrillatorYesNoAetna Accendo, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance
DepressionYesNoMutual of Omaha Life Insurance, Burial Insurance, Final Expense Insurance
Diabetes(Without Complications)YesNoAetna Accendo, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance
Diabetes(With Complications)YesNoRoyal Neighbors of America, life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance
DialysisNoYesGerber life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance, guaranteed issue life insurance
Down SyndromeYesNoSBLI
Drug & Alcohol AbuseYesNoRoyal Neighbors of America, life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance
EmphysemaYesNoAetna Accendo, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance
Heart AttackYesNoMutual of Omaha Life Insurance, Burial Insurance, Final Expense Insurance
Heart DiseaseYesNoMutual of Omaha Life Insurance, Burial Insurance, Final Expense Insurance
Obesity & Under WeightYesNoRoyal Neighbors of America, life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance
Hepatitis CYesNoAetna Accendo, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance
Hospitlization(Current)NoYesGerber life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance, guaranteed issue life insurance
Huntington’s DiseaseYesNoAmerican Amicable, life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance
Kidney Disease Stage 1 – 3YesNoAetna Accendo, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance
Kidney Disease Stage 4 – 5YesNoAetna Accendo, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance
Lupus (Systemic)YesNoAetna Accendo, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance
Multiple SclerosisYesNoProsperity life, life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance
Muscular DystrophyYesNoMutual of Omaha Life Insurance, Burial Insurance, Final Expense Insurance
Organ TransplantNoYesGuarantee Trust Life Insurance Company, Life Insurance, Burial Insurance, Final Expense Insurance
Oxygen TanksNoYesGerber life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance, guaranteed issue life insurance
Oxygen ConcentratorYesNoRoyal Neighbors of America, life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance
Pacemaker ImplantYesNoAetna Accendo, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance
PancreatitisYesNoAetna Accendo, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance
Parkinson’s DiseaseYesNoAetna Accendo, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance
Pending SurgeryNoYesGerber life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance, guaranteed issue life insurance
SchizophreniaYesNoAmerican Amicable, life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance
SclerodermaYesNoMutual of Omaha Life Insurance, Burial Insurance, Final Expense Insurance
SeizuresYesNoAetna Accendo, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance
Sickle Cell AnemiaYesNoAmerican Amicable, life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance
Sleep ApneaYesNoAetna Accendo, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance
StrokeYesNoAetna Accendo, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance
StentYesNoAetna Accendo, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance
TIA Mini StrokeYesNoRoyal Neighbors of America, life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance
Tumor CancerousNoYesGerber life insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance, guaranteed issue life insurance
Tumor Non-CancerousYesNoMutual of Omaha Life Insurance, Burial Insurance, Final Expense Insurance
Ulcerative ColitisYesNoMutual of Omaha Life Insurance, Burial Insurance, Final Expense Insurance